MHMR Substance Abuse Hospital
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From the outside, the Beaumont MHMR Substance Abuse Hospital may look like any other retail building, but step through the extra wide door frame and a solid door with automatic security locks will close behind you. This facility was constructed by Allco for the State of Texas to house criminally negligent prisoners recovering from addiction. In addition to meeting mental health facility guidelines, it was necessary for this project to meet the requirements of the criminal justice unit and be constructed with all riot resistant materials. Each project that Allco completes adds another notch in our belt. We gladly take on unique projects and work in collaboration with the owner to meet each and every requirement.
Project Name: MHMR Substance Abuse Hospital
Client: MHMR Beaumont State of Texas
Location: Beaumont, Texas
Date: 1990
Duration: 12 months
Size: 38,000 sq ft.
Cost: 4,800,000
Delivery Type: CSP