Port Arthur ISD Bond Package
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Port Arthur ISD awarded Allco as the CMAR for ten projects totaling $114 million dollars of the ISD improvement bond. In collaboration with the architect, Allco was able to construct the new Port Arthur High School, athletic fields, auditorium, and the science wing. Students would come from three other facilities and ultimately be united at the new high school campus. Additionally, the CATE (career advancement training education) facilities, Stilwell Administration building, and Thomas Edison Middle School were constructed, and Allco also renovated Travis Elementary with upgrades to comply with ADA, MEP, and Kitchen standards; renovated the high school football stadium; and upgraded the lighting and mechanical for the high school gym and auditorium. Construction on these projects overlapped and Allco was able to seamlessly phase our resources to be available at the proper times. During construction, Hurricane Ike made landfall and devastated the Port Arthur community, but with commitment and compassion the Allco team provided help in a time of need. By working with law enforcement and TXDOT, Allco brought in huge generators on tractor trailers and had workers back to the area within three days. The Allco team worked tirelessly to regain the days lost and successfully completed the final project on time.

Project Name: Port Arthur ISD
Bond Package
Client: Port Arthur ISD
Location: Port Arthur, Texas
Date: August 2009
Duration: 28 months
Size: 695,000 sq ft.
Cost: 114,400,000
Delivery Type: