Beaumont Water Treatment Plant Rehab
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Allco provides the same work commitment, quality, and care to rehabilitation projects because our team understands the importance of economically maintaining existing infrastructure. Our team works with owners in order to reduce system down time and phase the work in order to minimize any impact to end users. The work on Beaumont’s Water Treatment Plant included cleaning and coating the walls and existing clarifiers, re-routing a majority of the system, and constructing a new chemical feed building with all new chemical feed equipment. The completion of this renovation project resulted in an increased surface water treatment capacity rated for 40 million gallons per day, ground water system at 17 MGD, and a total of 24.5 MG of storage capacity.

Project Name: Beaumont Water
Treatment Plant
Client: City of Beaumont
Location: Beaumont, Texas
Date: 2011
Duration: 24 months
Size: 20 MGD
Cost: 8,500,000