Orange County Water Control Improvements
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The Orange County Water Treatment Plant is the largest Aero-Mod system in the nation. The Aero-Mod was selected by Orange County in order to provide an efficient and flexible solution to their growing population. Allco constructed the 6MGD capacity Aero-Mod system which has the ability to serve the community for at least a twenty year period without requiring expansion. Orange County can now expand, adding housing and retail developments without overloading the water system. Construction on the treatment plant included poured in place concrete, extensive and intricate piping, engineered components, and an onsite office facility. Allco constructed the new waste water treatment plant on a minimal acreage footprint which contributes to a lower capital cost than traditional wastewater treatment systems.

Project Name: Orange County Water
Control Improvements
Client: City of Orange
Location: Orange, Texas
Date: March 2013
Duration: 30 months
Size: 300ft x 140ft
Cost: 13,700,000
Delivery Type: